Start a dialog with your teen about sexual health today!

66 age-appropriate prompts that empower you to start the conversations.

Parents often fear that if they talk about sex, their teen may want to try it. Teens are curious about sex, whether you are talking with them about it or not. Studies show that teens whose parents talk openly about sex are more likely to delay having sex and to use condoms when they do have sex. 

“Those that tell the stories, rule the world.” - Plato. 
Let’s face it. Whether you are ready to have this conversation or not, EVERYONE else is. Youth are exposed to sexual messages every single day—through their devices, movies, and the music they listen to. 
Sex in the media is so common and the story they tell is sex is no big deal, that everyone is doing it, just be careful! BUT, sex IS a BIG deal and we as parents, guardians, trusted adults need to step up! 

Most parents of teens don’t know what to say to their kids regarding sex and some don’t want to explain their mistakes or experiences. As a result, the conversation never starts. So, where do you start? 

As Optimal Health & Wellness Educators, with the focus on sex education and encouraging teens to avoid risky behavior, we have created a way start the conversation. Our 66 Discussion Cards will give you the tools and confidence to start the dialog with your teen about sexual health. 

We are big believers in having multiple short conversations versus one big conversation, handing them a book, or letting the school system handle it. 

Don't worry. We have made it easy for you!  

With these Discussion Cards, you will be empowered to start conversations with up-to-date information and open-ended questions to provide your teen the confidence that they can come to you with all their big and small decisions they must make in life regarding their sexual health.  

Remember, YOU are the best person to teach your teen about sex, healthy relationships, communication, standards, respect, boundaries, love, and commitment. 

Order today. Your guidance is essential! Remember, if you are not speaking to them, then they will get their “facts” from their friends, media, internet, porn, etc.

    1. Instructions for use

    2. Education Cards

    3. Key terms

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  • $49.99

You are the best person to teach your teen.

Healthy relationships, communication, standards, respect, boundaries, love, commitment and so much more!

  • Intentionally Designed

    Created by experts in optimal health & wellness with a focus on sex education, these cards encourage teens to avoid risky behavior.

  • Relevant Content

    These cards help you get informed and learn together in a safe environment with the most up to date information and open ended questions.

  • Age-Appropriate

    Made for junior high and high school students. You can help your teen make better-informed decisions about their overall optimal health and well-being.

Your guidance is essential!

Don't worry. We have made it easy for you!

Tips to get started

These cards are meant to help facilitate conversation with your pre-teen or teen about their overall optimal health and wellbeing.

  • Pick a time and place to start a routine of conversations, like while getting in the car, cooking dinner, or before bedtime.

  • Get creative carving out time to talk! The more you talk and listen, the more they will open up.

  • Keep your “neutral” parenting face on and be grateful they are choosing to talk to you.